WEBINAR: Automate T&M Tag Workflows with Digital Signatures
Clearstory CEO and Founder Cameron Page and Account Manager Nima Haghbin dive into our newest feature — multiple signatures for a digital T&M Tag.

Webinar Contents
The Digital Time and Material Tag
Why Subs and GCs use Clearstory
Common use cases of T&M Tag Signatures
Live Demo of Signatures and new Multiple Signature Features
In the first of our regular webinar series, Cameron Page and Nima Haghbin cover the highlights of signing digital T&M Tags in Clearstory. PEs, PMs, Foreman and Superintendents will see the immediate value of fully digital T&M Tags for the convenience on the jobsite. Admins and office professionals will have Tags uploaded to the shared T&M Log, ready to be priced in an instant with saved rates.
We're just getting started with Tags, though. Next, they'll showcase the new multiple signers feature which provides additional value for project teams that needs additional signers on the jobsite or from third parties like Inspectors or other agents. The workflow for setting up multiple signers is particularly useful and makes using the feature a breeze when you're pressed for time, or looking at a huge T&M workload.
Thanks for checking out the webinar and if you have any questions about the feature or how to get up and running with Clearstory, get started by scheduling a live software demo.